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Friday, September 28, 2012

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

This past week, we have been in the presence of greatness.  We had the tremendous honor of participating in Dr. Michelle Robin’s 20 Year Celebration of Wellness, beginning Wednesday night as she launched her second book, The E Factor:  Engage, Energize, Enrich.  I have admired Dr. Robin ever since I first listened to her speak nearly a year ago.  She has literally touched and healed thousands and thousands of people in her chiropractic clinic , but it is her commitment to compassion and human connection that makes her impact stretch far beyond those who walk through her doors.  

We had the opportunity to spend time with the funny and charming Frank Ferrante and listen to his inspiring story about transformation from a life of drugs, alcohol, depression, and obesity to one of health, clean living, compassion and most importantly love and human connection.  Kansas City has the privilege of two showings this weekend of his movie, May I Be Frank.  (Click here for more details.) 

We were also fortunate enough to spend time with a wise and brilliant soul, Tess Masters (Healthy Blender Girl).  As the face (and faux-American voice) of Vitamix and Healthy Blender Girl and uber-successful blog, Healthy Blender Recipes, we were entertained and humbled by her personal journey of finding “the perfect diet” (which, by the way, is a farce).

We have been awe-struck by these amazing personalities listening to not only what they have accomplished but where they are going next!  (To the top…)  Admittedly, we’ve spent this week on a complete high – totally energized, ready to ‘do’ and ready to ‘be.’

But do you want to know a secret?

I remember every single one of you hundreds of people who came out to these events and stopped by our booth to receive a sample of our delicious Faux Chicken Salad and Sour Cream and Onion Kale Chips.  Yes, YOU, the couple who won the Excalibur dehydrator looking for the first clue on how to use it…and YOU, who ate tofu for the first time in your life last night and loved it…and YOU, who has been free of ocular migraines since going gluten-free a year ago…and YOU, who doesn’t even miss cheese after becoming a vegan…and even YOU, who turned your nose up at our organic, vegan fare.  (We love you.)  I have this bizarre ability to recall names (Brian once likened me to an elephant, who evidently have good memories…the analogy still didn’t go over very well).  I loved meeting YOU, our customers of past and present who stopped by to say hello.

We were in the presence of greatness, not because of the people and accomplishments of those up on stage.  It was because of YOU, your courage, your passion, your gratitude, your failures, your forgiveness, your energy, your stories, your LOVE.  I believe in the power of “Being Present” and I often put it on my daily list of things to do, right between doing laundry and picking up the kids from school.  (Forgive me for my left brain knows not what else to do…)  These past two days, I have been more present in each encounter, soaked in this experience, and witnessed what is available in each moment that was shared with all of you.  Nothing short of a miracle.

There are times when Brian and I get hung up on believing that we are in the food business.  Don't get me wrong ~ our chefs make exceptional food!  But we are in the people business.  Thank you for allowing us to serve you and come into your homes and onto your dinner tables each week.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who Moved My Cow?

Are You Wondering Who Moved Your Cheese?  Or rather, who moved your cow and replaced it with this? 

In his 1998 book, Who Moved My Cheese, Dr. Spencer Johnson features four creatures in search of "cheese," a metaphor for happiness and success.  Moo-ving with the cheese is about anticipating and adapting to (yikes) change. You know those habits, behaviors, labels, beliefs, and accusations you make about "those people" who vote 'this' way, work 'there,' belong to 'it,' and eat 'that' kind of food?  You never know when this cow will look so darn good that you'll be ordering the leanest cut of his veggie rump.  You (or friends you know - wink) may be popping $0.87 Totino's pizzas in the oven tonight, having date night at Chick-Fil-A, or baking your loved one a 2-dozen-egg-5-package-sour-cream cheesecake for her birthday.  We know.  We've been there before too.  We've moved physical addresses 6 times in 9 years of marriage.  But we've moved a hundred times to find our cheese, and in this case, our 'tapioca flour, pea protein, coconut oil' cheese.  

"If you don't like how things are, change it!  You're not a tree."~ Jim Rohn