Click here to see what our whole foods chefs are cooking up this week! See if you're eligible for free delivery.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Are You Consuming 50% More Calories by Doing This?

The Weekly Bite

Fast, easy, bite-sized ideas for healthy living.

If you're like most of us, you spend more time in traffic than in your own kitchen.  It's far easier to pick up dinner on your way home or stop in for a quick bite between meetings for lunch, but eating out has its costs (beyond your wallet)!  

Research shows that people consume 50% more calories, fat and sodium when they eat out.

This means that eating out everyday could lead to an extra 2.5 lbs gained per month!  Reintroduce yourself to your kitchen...if even for 10 minutes a night.  Why wait 182 days to make that New Year's resolution? Especially when we're serving up our Butternut Squash Enchiladas and Socca Pizza!  It might as well be carry-out.  Don't forget our new add-on's this week:  Kale Chips, Zucchini Wraps, and Spinach Cranberry Salad.

New Healthy Offerings

Happy Fourth of July!

As promised, we have added some new RAW, ALWAYS DELICIOUS, VERY NUTRITIOUS snacks and salads to this week's menu.  Give these a try to make your busy summer lifestyle a cinch!  Perfect to travel with, take to the pool, or keep at your desk.

Only $12 Each!  Get 'em while they're cold...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Best Health Insurance Money Can Buy

The Weekly Bite

Fast, easy, bite-sized ideas for healthy living.

Insurance:  a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss.

Risk…uncertainty…loss.  All words that can make us squirm in our seats and lose sleep at night.  What if, when it came to your own personal health, you understood your risks, felt certain about your future, and held no worry about potential loss?  I’m telling you the possibility of this kind of life exists if you believe it does.

“You don’t get what you want, you get what you believe”
-Oprah Winfrey 

The healthiest people in the world create an environment of health.  In studying longevity research,Dan Buettner identified the habits of the world’s healthiest people.  They reached the age of 100 at ten times greater rates than most of the United States, while suffering a mere fraction the rate of heart disease and cancer as the rest of the world.  Read more.  Specifically, the nine lifestyle habits they adopt are:

1.     1.  Move naturally.
2.     2.  Know your purpose in life.
3.     3.  Downshift (i.e., slow down).
4.     4.  Eat only until you’re 80% full.
5.     5.  Eat a plant-based diet.
6.     6.  Drink red wine.
7.     7.  Belong to a healthy social network.
8.     8.  Have a belief system.
9.     9.  Put your family first.

Adopt the best and most proven health insurance in the world.  Remove your risk.  Stop worrying.  You have permission to be healthy.

Confessions of a Junk Foodie

The Weekly Bite

Fast, easy, bite-sized ideas for healthy living.

So, I have a confession to make.  Though I own a health food company, I LOVE junk food like pizza and burgers.  But let’s face it…after seeing how they treat those poor cows and seeing pink slime all over Facebook, I can’t bring myself to eat what's out there in the way of junk food.  (I mean, it’s called JUNK food for a reason…as far as I’m concerned, we can drop the ‘food’ part of it and just call it junk.)  
In the spirit of summer and for all you fellow junk foodies out there, I've included two healthy, delicious recipes on our blog ~ Socca Pizza and Chickpea Burgers.  Both are under 500 calories and naturally gluten-free.  Check our Facebook page later for a short video.  

Want to Be 10 Years Younger?

About 5 years ago, I decided to live to age120...which would make today, my 35th birthday, the equivalent of the first 30% of my life.  According to actuarial science, the life expectancy for women is 85, of which the first 30% of your life is over on your 25th birthday.  What all this crazy Asian math means is that 25 is the new 35 for those of us who decide to live to 120!  (By the way, Brian decided he only wanted to live until age 100. Though he gave me permission to remarry, I felt like after what would be 74 years of marriage, I would want to just play the field for the last 20 years of my life.)

So, how you live to be 120?  

Answer:  Visualize.

Most of us who want to get from Point A to Point B think about A - where we're at now.  Here's how the pros do it (and by pros, I mean professional athletes, CEO's, musicans, actors, and rock star moms):  they start with Point B and work their way back.  I guarantee you that three and a half years ago, Michael Phelps didn't just get in the water and start swimming laps.  I'll bet you that he thought about being in London in August 2012 - each event, how fast, and who'd be in the next lane.  And then, I bet he thought about how to taper for this Olympics in the month leading up to it, what kind of nutrition to be getting the 3 months prior, and what kind of races he wanted to have at the qualifers in Omaha.  The pros start with their goal and illuminate the path all the way back to right now.  
On my 120th birthday, I'll likely be telling inappropriate jokes (still), enjoying a glass of Pinot Noir (still), and talking to my grandchildren's grandchildren.  What will you be doing at 120?  What kind of loving relationships will you have at 100?  What kind of exercise will you be getting at 80?  What will your cholesterol level and blood pressure be at age 60?  What kind of nutrition will you have at age 40?  What will you be eating next week? 

Eating on the Go: Organic, Plant-Based and Raw!

The Weekly Bite

Fast, easy, bite-sized ideas for healthy living.

I have never been a Boy Scout - not just for the obvious reasons, like not being a boy and having a dislike for camping.  Their famous motto, "Be Prepared," is not something that people who know me would say is necessarily fitting either.  I've thrived by the old "Fly By the Seat of My Pants" motto, so that's why I joined the Mom's Club and Entrepreneur's Circle.  As I approach my mid-thirties, however (sniff, sniff by the way), I am starting to appreciate those darn Boy Scouts.  "Be Prepared" means always being in a state of readiness in mind and body, like being physically strong and mentally thinking of every possible situation to do whatever needs to be done.

Well, my seat is growing and my wings are starting to atrophy, so I think now is as good a time as any to change my motto.  "Flying By the Seat of My Pants" has gotten me from where I was to where I am now, but I think "Be Prepared" will get me from where I am to where I want to be.  Part of being prepared is to plan. Ideally we'd all be sitting down at the table when we eat (and I don't mean in front of the computer) enjoying every last forkful.  We know that your busy, on-the-go lifestyle doesn't allow for such idealistic goals all the time, so starting in July, Conveniently Natural will start providing you with healthy, easy meal and snack options to take with you on the way to soccer practice, board meetings, or that Boy Scout camping trip.

Our healthy snacks will be Organic, Whole Foods, Plant-Based, and Raw! 

Included in these easy, on-the-go offerrings:  Kale Chips, Breakfast Bars, Salads, Crackers, and More!  Stay tuned for more information!

The Introvert's Guide to Accountability

The Weekly Bite

Fast, easy, bite-sized ideas for healthy living.

Bok!  Bok!  We've got a few new dishes this week, like our Chicken-Friendly Alfredo Pasta, Scallion Sweet Potatoes, and Asparagus Mushroom Risotto.  It's the first official week of summer and we're thinking about all of you at those backyard BBQ's and getting the kids off to a healthy summer.  (Think Sweet Potato Fries!) Look for suggested pairings and creative cooking ideas on our How to Eat page next week!

Chew on this

So, summer is officially here.  Is your (spiked) lemonade glass half empty or half full?  Are you thinking, "Hurray, summer fun, relaxation, longer days, and travel!" OR "Oh crap, it's swim suit season!"  Whether it's personal or professional, I can tell you that the key to health/weight/feel good success is accountability.  The gurus out there have great tips for creating accountability, but what about those of us that are a little more private?  If you at all read these weekly emails, you know that I'm not a classically defined introvert, but I also don't need all 297 of my Facebook friends to know how much I weigh or what I ate for breakfast just for the sake of accountability.  Nor do I feel comfortable or make time for meetings, support groups, or online community forums.  

So, here it is ~ quick and easy, down and dirty:  The Introvert's Guide to Accountability
 Take 5 minutes every night to track these 5 Daily Metrics:

1. How did I feel today?  (Rate 1-10):  This means physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, everything.  Take an average of the entire day, with 1 feeling crappy, pathetic, and depressed and 10 being Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah ~ Ain't life Grand!  You may have other health goals here, like weight loss goals or medical goals but I'm telling you, the more 10 days you have, the closer you'll be to looking good and healing fast.  As you progress in your tracking, make it a priority to find out how to get 10's (or at least close to it) for yourself more days than not. 

2. How much sleep did I get in the last 24 hours?  (# in hours)  

3. How much did I move today?   (# in minutes)  Note:  This can be exercise or even chores.  Light cleaning like vacuuming, changing sheets, and taking out the trash burns 86 calories per hour.  (One hour of Zone Defense for two toddlers burns 106 ironic...the exact number present in a glass of Pinot Noir.)  

4.  How many greens did I get today?  (# in servings)  Tracking all of your food can be overwhelming, so just count your servings of greens.  (One serving is the size of the palm of your hand.)  Aim to get over 7 each day.

5.  How much water did I drink today?  (# of ounces)  Optimal amount = your weight divided in half equals the number of ounces.  

So, here it is, my privacy preferring people.  It may not seem like much, but I promise you in 30 days, you will see results.  As we say, Conveniently Natural was born out of the idea that life, especially a healthy life, just doesn't have to be that hard.  See our menu below to keep riding the easy train.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Introducing...The Weekly Bite!

The Weekly Bite

Fast, easy, bite-sized ideas for healthy living.

Chew on this

Do you have picky eaters at home?  Don't be a short order cook!  To satisfy everyone and get a little more variety, try our Healthy Joes ~ 3 Ways! 

1.  Mediterranean Joe Sandwich:  grab a bun, scoop out some Joe, and sprinkle a bit of feta cheese on top.  For a great home-made vegan feta (ready in 5 minutes), check out our blog.
2.  Taco Joes:  fill a row of corn tortillas with our Healthy Joes, then add lettuce, tomatoes, Daiya cheddar cheese, and optional guac.
3.  Healthy Joe Salad:  on a bed of crispy romaine, toss Healthy Joes in with your favorite salad dressing.  (Hey, Joe already has corn, carrots, tomatoes, and peppers - you're just getting extra credit if you want to add in your own veggies.)

We Quit...

That's right...exactly one year ago, we quit the corporate rat race and the nice warm security blanket of a steady paycheck.

After trading in dress shirts for organic cotton tee's and high heels for flip flops, we've been serving up delicious healthy meals and delivering RESULTS!  Here are just a few of the things YOU have said about us this past year:

“Thank you Conveniently Natural.  We love the food. My wife has had acid reflex problems for years and has taken medication for it which is very expensive. She hasn't had to take any medicine for the last 3 weeks [since ordering your food].  We appreciate how affordable your food is and I also definitely feel the benefit of eating this food.”
David A., Blue Springs, MO

“I love the food and service that your company provides.  Once the school year starts, I will be working full-time and going to school full-time, three nights per week.  There is no way I could create the delicious meals I now enjoy and be successful in the rest of my life too. . .It is just such a treat for me, that after a long day at the office, I can come home and have dinner ready in 5-10 minutes with no messy kitchen to clean up afterwards.  It makes me feel super-spoiled, almost like I’m eating out every night, but without the expense of dining out.  Thanks for making my life easier and healthier.”
Mae O., Kansas City, MO

"It is as if you guys read my mind - to have delicious organic prepared food delivered to my home  - in suburbia Kansas no less - wow!  This must be what it feels like to be Oprah!  Thanks so much."
Shelley H., Olathe, KS

"I'm munching down on some yummy BBQ and Buttery Mashed Cauliflower for lunch.  How lovely to have life delivered!"
Diane G., Lawrence, KS

We can't tell you just how much good clean fun we've had this year!  Thanks to everyone who completed our survey.  As a result, we will be making some improvements in the upcoming year, including:
  • New menu items with more local, seasonal ingredients and variety in taste
  • Raw food add-on's
  • Less email newsletters:  We know you're busy and don't want to clog up your inbox!  Our emails will go out on Fridays, however, we will be adding more features to our blog to include:  
  • Whole health advice from local practitioners
  • Quick, easy tips and recipes to make your healthy life even more convenient
  • Suggested pairings and ways to makeover our meals
  • Crazy Faux Asian stories (continued...)
  • Conveniently Natural news and events

We raise our forks to you for your love and support!  Conveniently Natural served over 2000 people this year and we're just getting started.  Our plates runneth over...

Is Your Cape Wrinkled?

Have you ever had one of those "mother of all days" (and I'm not referring to Mother's Day)?  You know, when you wake up to (insert major catastrophic event here) by (insert child, spouse, pet, or other dependent here)...then you find out that the toothbrush you just used was picked out of the trash by your toddler (likely revenge for running out of their favorite cereal that morning), then run out the door nearly wiping out on the organic, gluten-free (but totally smashed) pancake only to pull out of the driveway and discover that it's trash day.  It's not even 8:30 and you're feeling like your cape, with all those superhuman powers, is a little wrinkly...or perhaps it got snagged on the broken glass from the recycle bin.

As you drive away, you think, "I bet June Cleaver never had to put up with this $#@*!"  

Well, fast forward her to 2012, and ask yourself WHAT WOULD JUNE DO?  Why, she'd order a week's worth of healthy, organic meals to have on her doorstep waiting for her after she picked up her cape from the dry cleaners.

Conveniently Natural:  For Those "Mother of All Days"

How to Make Vegetables Taste Sexy

At Conveniently Natural, we make vegetables taste sexy.   

What we do to vegetables is the equivalent of taking Ugly Betty and making her over to look like Pam Anderson.  Boring, awkward, and mundane becomes sleek, fun, and sexy.  How in the world do we do this, you ask?  And more importantly, how in the world can you do this?  I can assure you there is no invasive augmentation or chemically-laden fragrances.  We don’t “sweat” our vegetables for countless hours on a high-speed vegetable treadmill.  Below are 3 things we do to make our vegetables taste sexy.  Please steal these for yourself.  Just like Justin Timberlake said, we’re bringing sexy back…to our plates.

       1.  Give them Confidence:  We’re not afraid to let our vegetables stand on their own stalk and stem.  They don’t need to be puréed and hidden in a sauce or baked into a batch of brownies.  When we treat them right without masking their natural flavors with chemicals, their organic personality comes out to play, to heal, and to make you love them.

      2.  Spice It Up with a Little Variety:  Did you know that carrots can be chopped, diced, and julienned?  So many sizes and shapes and we often get stuck in a rut of making our favorite recipes using the same cuts of our veg.  BORING.  Get out of your routine and try something new.  I guarantee you it’s a difference experience to eat Brussels sprouts finely chopped (or food processed) than the way your mother made you eat them whole.

      3.  Spice It Up with a Little…Spice:  We have full spice shelves so we can play Extreme Veg Makeover every week.  Spices are a big part of making veggies sexy.  Dress them up in something new this week.  Here are 3 ways to spice up your green beans:

a.       Green Beans Almandine (featured on last week’s menu):  mix with equal parts tamari sauce, sesame oil, and olive oil, then add a few shakes of cumin and cayenne pepper
b.      Curried Green Beans:  stir in 1 part of curry, ¼ part turmeric with a clove of garlic and splash of coconut milk to your skillet of green beans
c.       Lemon Pepper Green Beans:  simply add lemon pepper spice or fresh squeeze your own lemon with ground up peppercorns

Vegetables aren’t so different than you and me.  Making them sexy is similar to making ourselves sexy.  In our unofficial kitchen poll, I discovered that the majority of heterosexual men find dang near all women sexy.  Period.  Regardless of high heels or flip flops, makeup or not even a shower.  Now if we can only give vegetables the same consideration…

Mom's Survival Kit: Hello Kitty Sunglasses

Listen to this podcast, recorded back in November by local Beatnik Radio host, Derek Olson, to find out:
  •  Why Brian left a corporate job with the "Fortune One" company
  •  How an organic, plant-based diet can help you with your acid reflux and other digestive issues
  •  Tips to starting a small business
  •  Why Hello Kitty sunglasses are a crucial part of every mom's survival kit (gotta listen to the out take at the end for this one)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Time Savers for the Obsessive Compusive

I like efficiency.  OK, that's a lie...I'm totally obsessed with time - how to do more in less time, how to leverage myself and our business, multi-tasking on steroids.  I practically do a touchdown dance and start trash talking my navigation lady when I arrive at my destination in 31 minutes after she tells me it will take 34 minutes. Everyone else has these same psychotic tendencies, right?  Well, maybe you have a friend...

We've compiled our Top 3 time savers for the Obsessive Compulsive Efficianados.

1.  Do the check-out people at your favorite grocer know you by name and snack preference?  Though we don't frequent the grocery store as often as we once did (my personal record was 4 trips in one day ~ April 13, 2009), we'll still make a few weekly pit stops if even just for a few items.  How much time could you save by only going once per week?  Make a list of your commonly purchased items and make sure you're stocked up before leaving the store.  Don't get stuck at 7:00 p.m. on a Wednesday night with all but 2 ingredients for your favorite dinner.  
Estimated time savings:  2 hours per week in extra stops (fighting over that parking spot, walking down aisles in 'high heel' speed, then making small talk with the checker about how long the previous customer in line took).

2.  Are you an Obsessive Compulsive Emailanado as well?  Like, do you check messages on your smart phone before getting out of bed, in line at aforementioned grocery stop, or even at a long red light?  Sure, me neither. Years ago, I was compelled to read David Allen's book, Getting Things Done, based on the title alone.  Having attended a workshop based on the book, I learned many time-saving techniques specifically related to email, so I wanted to pass along one of the simplest and more efficient:  Only check your email twice per day - once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  OK, if you just gasped in horror, then reduce it to 3 or 5 times per day...wouldn't this be a 200 check decrease?  By reading and responding in batch fashion, you can not only save minutes from having to login and open emails, but you save 7-10 minutes each check from NOT having to regain the concentration level present from having broken it just to see that One-Day-Sale or photos of your niece's trip to Cancun.
Estimated time savings:  7 hours per week (To get back an additional 15 minutes per day, unsubscribe from all those lists for emails you never read anyway...surely it wouldn't be THIS list, but hey, if it is I'm happy to give you back the time.  When the time is right, you'll hop back on to read these GEMS OF INTELLECT AND WIT ; ) 

If Mama's Not Healthy...

You've heard it before and you know it's true...

If Mama's Not Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy!

Likewise, we feel like when mama's not healthy...there goes the rest of the household.  Since it's still April, I may be the first one to tell you Mother's Day is just a bit over a week away.  Yikes!  The dreaded Mother's Day gift...I don't know how many times I have scrambled around town, racked my brain, and email chained my siblings to discuss the perfect gift for Mom.  How do you say thanks to the woman who carried you for 40 weeks and gave birth to you?  (Or in my case, flew to St. Louis to meet my flight with the other adopted babies.)  But thank goodness for Brian's sake that he has a wife who already thinks ahead for him so he doesn't have to go through this painful mental trauma.  I just purchased my gift yesterday.  (Your welcome, honey, and YES you were very grateful for me this year.)  

This year, consider the gift that keeps on giving...mama's health!  When you purchase a Conveniently Natural gift certificate (which we will conveniently mail or email), you will also receive a FREE COPY of Jess Ainscough's latest e-book, "Make Peace with Your Plate."  I purchased this book a month or two ago and just couldn't stop.  Here's an excerpt:

What would your life look like if you could eat whatever you wanted and you still looked in the mirror and saw someone you were completely in love with staring back at you?  Imagine how much space you would have in your mind if it weren't occupied by so many destructive thoughts about food, and more importantly, what your food choices are doing to your ass, thighs, stomach or whatever other area of your body you pink and look at in digust...Most of us have such a tortured relationship with our food that we are forever caught up in a vicious cycle of deprivation, indulgence and guilt.

Whoa.  I can't tell you how many women - old, young, single, married, mothers, grandmothers, thin, fit, post-partum, post-op, overweight, obese, happy, successful, depressed, desperate, hopeful, faithful - who feel this same way!  Guilt and torture seem to be an equal opportunity attacker.  

It's Time.

It's time for us to stop the madness, chaos, guilt, and all those stories that are keeping us from being wholly healthy.  Give that favorite mom in your life a Conveniently Natural gift certificate this year!

Main Street Vegans and Redneck Treehuggers

Do you love reading the glossy pages of Vogue but are broken-hearted by all the leather and fur fashion trends?

Are you drawn toward the healthy benefits of plant-based but feel like your ‘real world’ schedule and budget make it impossible?

Get ready, KC!  You have got to meet this Main Street Vegan – one of KC’s very own, Victoria Moran.  She is an urban vegan, living in NYC, with a newly published book letting you know the how’s of going vegan in this mainstream, fast-paced, real world.  On Friday, May 4, she will be at Unity Temple presenting “KC Carnivore to Main Street Vegan.”  Please come show your support and be edu-tained.  (That’s educated and entertained.  OK, so I made that up, but it’s practically the only way this old dog can learn any new tricks.) 

When I learned about this book, Main Street Vegan, I was reminded of our days back in Bentonville, Arkansas when I coined Brian and I the Redneck Treehuggers.  Like coming back from our deep freeze to thaw out 3 bags of my breast milk and 2 packages of grass-finished beef.  Or calling the hogs at the Razorback football game clad in organic t-shirts and cloth-diaper wearing child.  Rule-following rebels.  Non-conforming unitarians.  Compatible oxy morons.

Our menu this week reflects complex simplicity, decadent health, and light comfort foods.  Our dishes not only provide high quality nutrition but an experience that lasts beyond that last bite.  What are you waiting for?  We’re Main Street…

Brought to You by the Letter Q

I’m starting to dread Friday mornings…

I know most people are overjoyed when they wake up to Friday, but I get in a sheer panic running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off.  Friday is “Share Day” at pre-school, and Isabelle must bring something that starts with the letter of the week.  Last week’s letter was “Q,” and I never felt like such a failure as sending my daughter to school with a stupid quarter when all the other girls were dressed up as queens (tiaras, capes, and wands).  This week, I vowed to think of the biggest and best Share Item for Share Day.  And then I awoke, running around the house again, searching frantically for something that started with “Y.”  For yet another week, Brian and I stood in the kitchen dumbfounded, and all I could think was, ‘What a waste of a two college degrees!’  Granted, I had my fair share of partying in college (reference College Sleep from previous blog post), but Brian was practically Ivy League.

After digging through toy boxes and drawers, I finally got it.  Like the sky opened up and shone a bright light on my kitchen counter with my bowl full of…YAMS!  OK, so we don’t call them yams at our house, but we eat sweet potatoes like candy around here.  I pictured Isabelle sharing her yams at school and the teachers marveling at what an original share item she had and the other kids thinking how cool this spud was.  As she raced downstairs, I excitedly told her that we had a great idea for Share Day.  As I proudly showed her the yam (while dusting off my cape), she slowly started backing away, looking at me as if to say, ‘Exactly how many years of therapy do you want to pay for?’  She shook her head as I continued my sales pitch.  Crushed, I put the sweet potato, I mean, yam back in the bowl. 

I have a dream...that one day cafeterias and restaurants, grocery stores, and family dinner tables will be filled with all colors and shapes of plants and animals that were treated for the greater good of all of us.  We dream that convenience and health go hand-in-hand and that uncommon foods like quinoa, seitan, Brussels sprouts, and yams become common.  With your orders each week, you are supporting this dream for all of us.  Eternal gratitude…

In case you were wondering how this story ended, she took a yellow duck to school.  When you press its foot, it quacks Old MacDonald.  I’m sure none of the other kids will see it irony in the vegan child’s share item quacking about farm animals.  Oh well, seven more days and we’ll do this again…

The Lazy (Wo)Man's Healing Part 2

You might recall my prior recommendation for the lazy man’s healing:  Laughter.  This week, I am endorsing an even lazier form of healing:  Sleep.   Sleep is critical to immune function and cell repair, brain functionality and cognition.  Because of this, it can affect your weight and even mortality as well as the likelihood for disease, depression, and obesity.  So, what are you waiting for?  Grab your blankie and go lay down!

Alright, we know that this is easier said than done.  Throughout my adult life, I have experienced many “phases” of sleep (deprivation), such as:

College Sleep:  long, hard sleep but at odd hours typically experienced during daylight with periodic napping (also called Night Owl sleeping patterns)

Long-Distance Dating Sleep:  long distance dating meant lots of phone time with frequent sleep talking (Brian) and falling asleep with phone on ear (Kim)

Acid Reflux Sleep:  an oxymoron;  rare occasions of sleep accompanied by props such as a recliner chair, sleep wedge, C-PAP machine, etc

Caregiver/Spousal Support Sleep:  Sleep Stage 1 next to spouse with above mentioned props

New Mom Sleep:  What sleep?

New Business Owner Sleep:  Same as New Mom sleep (sans lactation)

We’re busier than ever and who has time to sleep?  Could you be open to idea that all the “busy-ness” would go away or at least reduce when you were getting more sleep?  Less forgetfulness and crisis, less stress and worry, less healing to do, less ‘me time’ to schedule, less beauty treatments to purchase…  Early bedtimes and naps aren’t just for the kids anymore.

Be healthy.  Be lazy.  Go to sleep. 

We estimate that a week’s worth of Conveniently Natural meals saves you an average of 8-10 hours each week, from meal planning and grocery shopping to preparation, storage, and clean-up!  That’s like a whole night’s sleep!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Are You Getting Lucky Today?

Welcome to Friday the 13th!  Superstition has it that today is unlucky.  I once wrote a paper on athletes’ superstitions and WOW are there some crazy ones, beyond just playoff beards and lucky shorts, like getting a pre-game open-hand slap by your trainer (John Henderson) or urinating on your hands in lieu of batting gloves (Moises Alou).  Rituals, routines, superstitions…anything to bring good luck in spite of there being no “scientific” proof. 

So, here’s the million dollar question:  Do you believe in luck?

I once read that one of the top 3 things Bill Gates attributed to his success was luck.  Seriously?   I think winning the lottery or having that bird drop its thing right smack on top of your head is luck, not becoming a multi-billionaire.  But it doesn’t really matter what I think.  Your beliefs.  Your perception.  Your results.  We all know those people who will be unlucky today because it is Friday the 13th.  They’re the same people who break the mirrors, step on cracks, and can make black cats appear right in their path.  And then there are those who always blow out all of their birthday candles and find shiny new pennies in a field of four-leaf clovers. 

So, the real question is:  Do you feel lucky? 

Not in some “Dirty Harry” kind of way, but how do you really feel?  If that rabbit’s foot or horseshoe makes you feel lucky, then you probably are.  Heck, even I wore the same white scrunchie throughout my high school basketball state playoffs.  (I drew the line at urinating on my hands.) 

Salad Fit for a Quinoa


How in the grain do you pronounce this ingredient, you say?  Yes, we’ve heard you speak all of these iterations and we’ve used them all ourselves at one time or another.  So, we wanted to give you once and for all the most common pronunciation.  (We are not ones to say ‘the correct’ pronunciation, because we don’t really care how you pronounce it ~ we just want you to experience this delicious, nutritious grain-like seed.)

We know that some of our ingredients are awkward to say, and adopting a new way of eating can feel like learning a new language.   For me, this was reminiscent of marrying into the Army life.  The phonetic alphabet is actually pretty cool, but all those acronyms left me confused and on edge.  We’d leave a party and I’d ask Brian if I was privy to classified information about 9/11 or was I being invited to go grocery shopping on post? 


So there it is.  Quinoa.  A grain-like seed that might as well have its own crown and action figure.  Per heaping handful, it offers 14 g of protein with a balanced set of essential amino acids (making it a complete protein) and is also high in fiber, magnesium, and iron.  Food fit for a Queen. 

So, click here for a quinoa salad recipe we thought you might enjoy as we begin this early summer.  Fresh mint.  Lime juice.  Why, it’s practically a mojito in a bowl.

Lima Oscar Victor Echo.  Papa Echo Alpha Charlie Echo.  
Golf Oscar Oscar Delta Foxtrot Oscar Oscar Delta.

If Chocolate Were a Woman, I May Be Divorced

Dark.  Sweet.  Rich. 
That’s just how Brian likes them. 

I’m sure you married folks can attest that being married for nearly nine years doesn’t come without temptation.  But as my mother told me, ‘Don’t ever get divorced.  It’s too expensive.’  (Spoken like true former nun.)  Over the years, there have been other ‘women’ in Brian’s life, but I have always succeeded in driving them away…until now. 

Like when we first got married, there were those string of Trucks.  His love affair with that beat-up red pickup never bothered me…until one day he replaced it with a new, shiny black one.  (Don’t ask me their names – I never did.)  And then, he upgraded to an even bigger, sleeker one with leather interior.  But four years ago, on his own volition (wink), he purchased a nice Kia Spectra (Made in Korea, for anyone who’s counting). 

And then, there was that really pesky witch that just wouldn’t go away – Candida.  She really had our attention for years, ensuring that we accommodated her every request and boy, she was an angry one!  But after months of stuffing him with enough vegetables and whole foods, she died.  I can’t say I ever mourned her loss – she had what was coming to her. 

But now, there is a ‘lady’ I just can’t seem to shake.  I have to admit, she’s beautiful, classy, and even the kids love her.  I can’t say I mind having her around either.  Sweet dark chocolate.  She quietly sits up on the shelf.  His love for her hasn’t gone unnoticed either.  As one of our customers commented, ‘I noticed that Brian has somewhat of a chocolate…fetish.’  Uh…that’s a gross understatement, Paul. Problem.  Obsession.  Condition.  And yet, she makes him happy and calm (and he’s even cleaning the kitchen now).  I hate to be so cliché but if you can’t beat them, eat them…I mean, join them.

We gave you a chocolate break this week (Sesame Cranberry Cookies) in anticipation of all those chocolate bunnies running around this weekend.  But she’ll be back.  Ladies and gentlemen, watch your mate…if they haven’t yet been lured by this temptress.  Organic.  Fair-trade.  Allergen-free.  For crying out loud, she’s practically Mother Teresa.  Order these cookies today…before you-know-who finds the chocolate.  Without being overly dramatic – this could save your relationship!

PlantStrong: Being Married to Lance Armstrong

OK, so I'm not married to the real Lance Armstrong, but Brian has often been mistaken for Lance.  (I bought him a Livestrong yellow bracelet, but just can't convince him to wear those bike shorts around town...)  I practically had to pry the cell phone out of a bartender's hand in Bentonville, AR before he called his friends to tell them he had Lance Armstrong in his bar.  

Well, now Lance is following in Brian's footsteps with a plant-based diet.  Scratch that, now Lance is following in your footsteps...
Training for his first triathlon this year, Lance Armstrong has partially implemented the Engine 2 Diet - organic, vegan diet for breakfast and lunch.  Like you, he is not 100% vegan.  And like you, he boasts an increase in physical energy and mental focus.  See how  much you have in common with a professional athlete?  Click here to read the entire article - see what a non-believer he was and how he changed his tune.

In 2003, I walked across the stage in the TCU gym to receive my graduate degree in Sports Psychology - hoping to continue working with college and professional athletes.  As such a larger percentage of the population, it's more fulfilling to me to work with Life Athletes - like you Corporate Athletes who work 50+ hour weeks with no 'off-season' or you Mom Athletes who are 'competing' 24/7 with no break, time-out, or second-string.  

Take it from a seven-time Tour-de-France winner and professional athlete.  Give your body a break now and then.  A whole foods, plant-based diet is like giving your body a vacation.  Start your off-season today!

Falling in Love, The Electric Slide, and For Better or Worse

Last night as I tucked our Isabelle into bed, she asked if Daddy and I fell in love like Rapunzel and Flynn Rider and if, when she got bigger, she would fall in love and get married too.  Whoa…I thought I had a few more years here.  She’s four.

Ironically, we will be attending a family wedding this weekend.  As a married couple of nearly 9 years, weddings always take us back to those days on the altar when we took each other for better or worse, in sickness and in health.  Man, for those of you who are married, you don’t really know what that means when you’re out there Electric Sliding on the dance floor or toasting champagne to the rest of your life.  

But, remember, we are family.  Get up everybody and sing.  (OK, I’m just practicing for the weekend…)  

Here are some of the ways that YOUR family uses our food:

1. Work lunches – Choose our ala carte option and take our meals to work with you like Marcia D!  This week’s recommendations:  Faux Chicken Salad, Carrot Raisin Salad, Mediterranean Quinoa Salad, and German Potato Salad.  Pick 4 of our dishes (all of these happen to be cold dishes) and pack your Hello Kitty lunch box to take into the office.  This will provide plenty of food for your weekday lunches next week!

2. Family dinners, Option A – Order our Individual Plan if you are eating separately from the family next week like Charlotte B!  If hubs and kiddos need their meat and potatoes, get your individual plan and spend less than 10 minutes reheating our meals while you prep their meals (hey – they’ll never even notice the difference with our Mac & Cheese!).  

3. Family dinners, Option B – Order our Couple Plan and make some substitutions if you want to feed the entire family like Melanie M!  Double up on a few main dishes so everyone can eat the same thing – one main dish and two sides will feed four of you…and even leave room for PB Cups!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Modern Family Dinner Table

What does your dinner table look like?  A TV tray, a minivan, an office desk, an actual dinner table…with piles of mail and school assignments pushed to the corner? And what’s on your plates?  Steak and potatoes for dad, salad with low-carb bread for mom, grilled cheese on gluten-free bread for the kids?

What happened to our family dinner table?  

Hey, we’re not here to judge.  The modern family dinner table has changed dramatically.  Why, June Cleaver wouldn’t even recognize our table (or what’s on our plates) anymore.  Times have changed – travel, technology, activities, endless blasts of information from all directions…pesticides, arsenic, high fructose corn syrup.  Our lifestyle and our food is hardly what our parents lived and ate.

Conveniently Natural is a family-owned business and some days it’s a toss-up in determining whether we’re a family or a business.  My mom hat, my marketing hat, wife hat, CFO hat, chef hat, house-cleaner hat, customer service hat, kitchen manager hat…At the end of the day, we’re both a family and a business serving families who wear all these hats too.  We believe that TRUE health and happiness lies in combining all these roles, personally and professionally, because the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships. 

The quality of our relationships is determined by the communities we belong to ~ our family extends beyond blood relatives (I’m adopted anyway).  YOU are our family too.  Each week, our Conveniently Natural family prepares meals for the best family dinner parties around KC – in your dining rooms, offices, and maybe even on the go.  Conveniently Natural was born out of the idea that life (especially a healthy life) just doesn’t have to be that hard.  Let us help – that’s what family does.  Thanks for being part of our community and letting us be a part of yours. 

Good deed this week:  Add a Family Size (48 oz) dish ala carte this week and share with someone you consider family – a neighbor, co-worker, school teacher, old friend, or hey…call your mom.  She wants to hear from you. 

Kiss Me, I'm Organic

 Happy St. Patrick's Day Eve!

The luck of the Irish prompts this popular saying, "Kiss Me I'm Irish."  Well, Blarney, we think organic food is pretty darn lucky too and have 3 reasons why you should be kissing it this week.
Top 3 Reasons to Eat Organically

1.  Holy Shamrocks!  The three-leafed clover was traditionally known for its medical properties.  Likewise, organic foods are 25% more nutritious in terms of vitamins and minerals, have more antioxidants, and higher levels of essential minerals

2.  Lucky Charms.  Organic has shown to use about 30% less energy as well as being beneficial to the soil, water, and local habitat AND is safer for those leprechauns sliding down rainbows. 

3.  Pucker Up.  Science has proven that chlorophyll  - present in many vegetables, especially those green ones - arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria. It can help with body odors, including bad breath.  If you're not down with green, keep those lips sealed!

Feeding Your Vanity

"We shouldn't judge people based on what they look like, but guess what?  We do."
-Jim Rohn

Just like video killed the radio star, the growing presence of High Definition media makes us hyper aware of physical appearance.  Like being able to see Regis Philbin and Lee Corso's facial pores on HDTV helps me understand why Joan Rivers' lifted her face so much it doesn't even move. 

We recently posted an article on our Facebook page about how fruits and veggies can help improve appearance.  Their research boasts better skin complexion and glow in just a few short weeks.  One of our Conveniently Natural team member's even told us that after switching to a high raw, vegan diet his wife's hair stopped its greying process and hence no longer needed to dye those roots.  

Our menu this week is laden with beauty-enhancing foods - try our Mushroom Stroganoff to give you some added Vitamin D (mushrooms are the only veg with Vitamin D in it) or our Steamed and Creamed Carrots and Cauliflower (for an extra skin glow)!

All Cookies Are Not Created Equal

We're so proud to be partnering this week with local vegan baker and rockstar mom-preneur, Jennifer Ward of Be Free Bakers, for our optional dessert offering.  Her products boast whole grain, gluten-free, nut-free, dairy free, corn-free, vegan, and truly natural.  In short, they are the kind of magic that only comes from Tinkerbell's wand of pixie dust and leprechauns sliding down rainbows into that big pot of chocolate, I mean, gold.

All cookies are NOT created equal.  

Unconstitutional - yes.  There are cookies...and then there are COOKIES.  We're not sure if it's that beautifulAskinosie Chocolate or the pureness of these God-given ingredients or just the love mixed into each batch of cookies.  I cannot put my finger on it, but when I take a bite of these delicious desserts, I feel the same way I felt on my first roadtrip in my Honda Odessey - WOW, they thought of everything!  Someone really loves me.  From the extra storage and blind spot information system to the decadent blend of chocolate to cookie ratio and 'ingredients-I-can-pronounce' label, I fell in love.

Outsourcing, or local-sourcing, any of our dishes is a Conveniently Natural first.  We just couldn't hoard these all to ourselves and wanted to give you the opportunity to fall in love with a Springfield, MO lawyer-turned-chocolatier (Askinosie chocolate) and a Lees Summit gluten-free mom turned entrepreneur (Be Free Bakers) who understands that allergen-free foods don't have to taste like cardboard and drop like hockey pucks.

You Can't Hail Mary Your Way Out of This One

So, how's the Gluten Challenge going for those of you participating?  I hope you're finding ease, enjoyment, and some of the health benefits outlined in last week's email, contrary to the gluten-free magazine, "Living Without."  (That magazine title always puzzles me, and I wonder what other names were in the running for this "Life Sucks" or "Made to Suffer.")  I digress.

As the season of Lent is upon us, I am reminded of my Catholic junior high days, sweating bullets when we celebrated the sacrament of Reconciliation.  I think I started developing ulcers at a young age as I carefully crafted my "sinner's speech."  It didn't help that our priest frequented our house for dinner and Notre Dame football games.  Anyway, I always wanted it to sound heartfelt and exhaustive without being too lengthy.  (I mean, if a kid stood up there too long, you might begin to wonder.) 
Nonetheless, I always accepted my penance - usually 10 Hail Marys - and then felt absolved, lighter, more free.  As awful as confession felt for me, those Hail Marys could always make me feel better.

Fast forward to present day.  As I look back over the past year, I have a laundry list of health sins to confess. Today starts Day 5 of our cleanse, and I just realized that I chose this 21 day cleanse to be my 10 Hail Marys.

Detox = Penance

I confess that my intention of the cleanse was to be absolved of all those bad food and lifestyle choices of the past year.  The intention was punishment.  As such, I have felt deprived and weak (physically and mentally).  

What if cleansing was like winning the Super Bowl and going to Disneyland?  For one, all the sad, pitiful looks you get when you tell people you're cleansing would disappear.  Second, I'd be jumping out of bed everyday asking, "Are we there yet?  Is it time for my smoothie?"

So get out your Mickey Mouse ears, check out our menu, and treat yourself to a real Spring Break - a break from the processed junk, never-ending pile of dishes, and punishing stories.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What You Really Need to Detox

Detox [v.  dee - toks]  - to undergo treatment to rid the body of poisonous substances, remove excess junk and clutter, to de-crapify 
I HATE surprises.  One of Brian's favorite ways to irritate me is to tell me he has a surprise which cannot be known until some future time.  And (to NO surprise), this conversation always ends with him telling me at least partial details of the surprise because I aggressively nag it out of him.  So for those of you undergoing the Gluten Challenge, I wanted to let you in on one little secret.
When you remove the @#$#%^* from your diet, you may remove (or increase your awareness of) the @#$#%^* in your life.

Brian and I will be undergoing a 21 day cleanse starting tomorrow.  I'd by lying if I said I wasn't anxious about giving up my Pinot Noir.  Specifically, what will Brian and I drink after we collapse in our chairs from getting both girls tucked in bed...or when our rental home kitchen ceiling starts dripping (read: raining) for 45 minutes.  And then, there's the (insert crunchy salty snack here).  When stress gets high and life gets fast, some people do yoga or meditate, I crunch.  The benefits of detoxing are far-reaching and we're just proposing baby steps.
We are committed to 21 days of self-care, decluttering, and removal of all the junk.  We're opening that closet door, you know, the one with stuff piled high to the ceiling just so the door could be shut.  Stay tuned for the detox journey.  Let us know what junk comes up in yours.  At the end of the month, let's have a big yard sale!

The Gluten Challenge

Like neon legwarmers, "Gluten Free" products have become more prevalent and more and more of us are opting to decrease our intake or cut it out altogether.  Many of you who order our gluten free version of meals tell us that it's a preference versus a health necessity, for reasons of weight loss, less gastric distress, improvements in digestion, or more energy.  This week, eight of our nine menu items are naturally gluten free.  

Here is our Gluten Challenge for you:  Try going entirely Gluten Free this week.  Note how you feel and see if any of these benefits might seek you out. will hardly notice a difference between the organic whole wheat and the organic brown rice pastas.

Here are some quick, easy, delicious Gluten Free breakfast and snack ideas:
Cereal alternatives:  gluten free oats, quinoa flakes, rice krispy cereal, or Barbara's Puffins cereal (kid-friendly)
Popcorn:  step away from the microwave...if you don't want to or know how to pop your own, try Trader Joe'sbrand of air-popped popcorn 
Nuts:  make your own trail mix blend (walnuts, cashews, raisins, dark chocolate chips, or whatever may be in your cabinet)
Bars:  we like Raw Revolution, Glutino, or Envirokidz
Juices/Smoothies:  if you don't have your own juicer or high powered blender, visit the Woodside Earth barto be blown away by the variety, quality, and convenience

How To Order: A Website Primer

As parents who purchased the "100,000 Baby Names" book on the way to the hospital to birth our first-born, we know the pressure and responsiblity that goes into a name.  Our Isabelle, of French origin meaning "God's promise," displays the beauty and everlasting love of her namesake, just as our Adrienne (which must be Latin for "One who raises hell") lives up to hers.
So, what do you call yourself?  A carnivore, omnivore, vegetarian, vegan, flexitarian?  Click here to read more about lables and why we choose to identify with them on our blog.  We'd love to hear your comments on our postings here!

A quick roadmap of our website:

1.  Upcoming menus ~ always located on the left-hand side-bar on each page (beyond the homepage).  Click on a menu item to see a description or click on the "Menu for the Week Of" to see the menu in its entirety.
2.  Current menu (i.e., what you're eating now) ~ this new location will be under the "How to Eat" tab in the upper right-hand corner.  Here you will find the menu, menu ideas, suggested pairings, and other musings from the weekly dishes.
3.  Login (upper right hand corner) ~ if you have ever ordered from us online, you will find an area to login (your email address) with a password (your last name in lowercase letters).  This IS NOT the same login and password from our old website.
4.  Sign Up (upper right hand corner) ~ New Customers, create a new account here for the first and last time!
5.  913-475-8004 (upper right hand corner) ~ PLEASE call us with any questions on navigating our new site, ordering, or other general feedback.

Wraps Are the New Black

Sandwiches are so 80's (ever since low-carb diets gave bread a bad name).  Wraps are the new black.
Less mess, more security, healthier, slimmer, sleeker, and it just fits right in the palm of your hand.  For 12 years of Catholic school, my lunches consisted of a sandwich, chips, and some sort of Scooby snack - a zinger, ho-ho, twinkie, ding-dong, or suzy-q.  I've moved beyond my brown bag lunch, but just like Linus to his blankie, I miss my sandwiches.  

Here are a few of our favorites and some Wrap Ideas:
1.  Lettuce Wraps:  Take a butter lettuce leaf and scoop out some of our delicious Oriental Cashew Vegetable Stirfry.  Top with your favorite blend of soy sauce/hot sauce for a fork-free dinner.
2.  Tortilla Wraps:  We often put our Conveniently Natural dishes into an Ezekial Sprouted Grain tortilla (and perhaps top with some Daiya cheese and bake to get that cheesy goodness).  Try slicing the Rich Lentil Loaf with Tomato Basil Sauce and putting into a tortilla with some lettuce, tomato, and onion.
3.  Greek Pita:  Ditch those Hot Pockets and scoop the Masala Dahl with Carmelized Onions and Carrots into a pita pocket (with a dollop of hummus).
4.  Raw Zucchini Wraps:  Our raw food chef is preparing one of our favorites ~ slices of zucchini wrapped around veggies and a sunflower seed sauce.  Easy, convenient, and very filling!  

Repurposed Chili

     7 Ways to Eat Chili (Your Kids Will Love These)

  1. In a bowl.  Grab some cornbread (or better yet, swing by the kitchen and pick up a loaf of New Traditionalist organic, vegan bread).
  2. Fiesta Enchiladas!  In a baking pan, arrange corn tortillas (even tearing to ensure that the entire bottom is covered with tortillas).  Then, layer with chili, tortillas, butternut squash (already roasted for 30 minutes at 400 degrees), tortillas, tomato sauce, and finally cheese. 
  3. Chili 5 Way.  Spaghetti noodles and chili (we’ve already added the onions, carrots, and celery) topped off with some Daiya Cheddar Cheese.
  4. Game Night Nachos.  Line a baking pan with Scoops Tortilla Chips, and fill each Scoop with spoonful of chili and cheese.  Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.  Then top with Tofutti Sour Cream and avocado slices.
  5. Chili Cheesedogs.  Good old-fashioned veggie dogs on a bun loaded with chili and cheese.  We like Applegate Farms.
  6. Chili Baked Potatoes.  Load up a baked potato with steamed broccoli and other favorite greens topped with chili and chives.
  7. The Ultimate Queso Dip.  Toss a cup or two into your favorite queso or check out our website for one of our favorites (see it under Sample Menu).  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Kale and Brussels Sprouts Salad

Did you wake up today panicked in your own forgetfulness about that dish you volunteered to bring to the Fourth of July party?  Here's a quick, easy recipe for a Kale and Brussels Sprouts Salad - it's super-duper nutrient dense, raw (read: fast), and delicious!  I know what you're thinking...raw kale and brussels sprouts?  Seriously?  Yes, TRUST ME, I would not steer you wrong.  Remember, I like junk food recipes as much as the next American.

Kale and Brussels Sprouts Salad

1 bunch of kale, chopped into bite sized pieces or put in food processor
4-5 cups Brussels Sprouts, chopped finely or put in food processor
1/2 cup slivered or sliced almonds (or any other nut you have on hand)
Optional: Shredded cheese (parmesan, pecorino, feta, goat recommended)
Juice from one lemon (or 1/4 cup)
1/4 cup of organic extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp of minced shallot or onion
1 garlic clove, pressed or minced
1/4 tsp real salt

Make dressing by mixing all ingredients, then set aside.

Optional: toast almonds in pan lightly coated with oil or in oven for about 5 minutes at 400 degrees.  (If you're short on time, just toss them in.)

After tearing the kale leaves off the steam, massage the kale for about 30 seconds.  Seriously.  It will break down the tough walls, making it softer.  (Don't you wonder who figured out things like massaging kale and sweating eggplant?)  It's a holiday...give it some love.  For the Brussels sprouts, just be sure to chop off the stem and then pulse in food processor a few times.

Mix together the kale, Brussels sprouts, and nuts.  Then, toss with dressing and serve!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Stop the Chaos!

Is life kicking your rear end right now?  Personally, I feel like I’m standing in front of that Showbiz game called Whac-a-mole (yes, I know Showbiz got bought out by Chucky Cheese, but I’m old school).  And in 2011, I was totally kicking butt hammering at those little moles popping up with my soft oversized mallet.  Now, I feel like I’ve got one leg up on the machine with a foot and knee covering two holes, an elbow on another, and my spare hand has a cleaver and some duct tape. 
When I sit down to write our newsletters, I close my eyes and ask myself what you - our beloved and busy customers and subscribers – need or want to read.  A health tip, a recipe, a story (with bits of self-deprecating humor)...  Today, I had a hard time finding that quiet moment.  The noise was so loud.  So, I’m wondering if it’s loud at your house too…

I actually like moving fast and enjoy a bit of chaos and quick problem-solving.  So, I resist activities like yoga and meditation, because you can’t multi-task while doing those things.  Loud noises, on the other hand, will put me in bed with my head under the covers.  So, here’s my tip:  Stop Resisting.  If you pictured me (or you) in front of that silly Whac-a-mole game, don’t I (you) look ridiculous?  I’m tired, I have a leg cramp, and no one is asking me to contort my body in this way to stop those freaking moles from popping up.  I truly believe in the power of just letting things go, let it flow through you or around you (or wherever it was supposed to go).  But again, I resist this because I like to be active and ‘doing.’ 

So, I picture myself holding a large vessel – a box, trashbag, wheelbarrow, dumpster, Santa’s toy bag, whatever, and allow all those moles to pop up - the to-do lists to get long, the appointments to fill up, the ‘shoulds’ to creep in, and the noise to get really, really loud.  All that stuff and the exhaustion, chaos, guilt, frustration, and anxiety that goes with it.  When it’s all out there, I put it in this bag (and in this scenario, I’m so strong I can carry it despite its heaviness and awkward shape) and toss it in a rapid-flowing river.  (For my eco-friends out there, I promise this is not going to a landfill or polluting our oceans.) 

Then, I dust off my hands off, watch it get carried farther and farther away from me, and finally sit down.  And after all that ‘work,’ now I’m hungry…