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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Brought to You by the Letter Q

I’m starting to dread Friday mornings…

I know most people are overjoyed when they wake up to Friday, but I get in a sheer panic running around the house like a chicken with my head cut off.  Friday is “Share Day” at pre-school, and Isabelle must bring something that starts with the letter of the week.  Last week’s letter was “Q,” and I never felt like such a failure as sending my daughter to school with a stupid quarter when all the other girls were dressed up as queens (tiaras, capes, and wands).  This week, I vowed to think of the biggest and best Share Item for Share Day.  And then I awoke, running around the house again, searching frantically for something that started with “Y.”  For yet another week, Brian and I stood in the kitchen dumbfounded, and all I could think was, ‘What a waste of a two college degrees!’  Granted, I had my fair share of partying in college (reference College Sleep from previous blog post), but Brian was practically Ivy League.

After digging through toy boxes and drawers, I finally got it.  Like the sky opened up and shone a bright light on my kitchen counter with my bowl full of…YAMS!  OK, so we don’t call them yams at our house, but we eat sweet potatoes like candy around here.  I pictured Isabelle sharing her yams at school and the teachers marveling at what an original share item she had and the other kids thinking how cool this spud was.  As she raced downstairs, I excitedly told her that we had a great idea for Share Day.  As I proudly showed her the yam (while dusting off my cape), she slowly started backing away, looking at me as if to say, ‘Exactly how many years of therapy do you want to pay for?’  She shook her head as I continued my sales pitch.  Crushed, I put the sweet potato, I mean, yam back in the bowl. 

I have a dream...that one day cafeterias and restaurants, grocery stores, and family dinner tables will be filled with all colors and shapes of plants and animals that were treated for the greater good of all of us.  We dream that convenience and health go hand-in-hand and that uncommon foods like quinoa, seitan, Brussels sprouts, and yams become common.  With your orders each week, you are supporting this dream for all of us.  Eternal gratitude…

In case you were wondering how this story ended, she took a yellow duck to school.  When you press its foot, it quacks Old MacDonald.  I’m sure none of the other kids will see it irony in the vegan child’s share item quacking about farm animals.  Oh well, seven more days and we’ll do this again…

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